Ladies Tea
Join us for some fun and fancy fellowship at the Westwood Ladies Tea. The event starts at 3:00 on March 29th.

Women's One Day Retreat
The Women of Westwood are excited to participate in a One-Day Women’s Retreat on April 5th at Palm Coast Bible Church. The event will feature Dr. Ingrid Davis, a Leadership Coach and Mentor, as the special speaker. Dr. Davis has led workshops and seminars designed to help participants live their best lives by gaining a deeper understanding of their inner selves. She has also ministered in over 20 counties.
We will be carpooling from Westwood to Palm Coast and returning the same day. The cost for the retreat is $35.

Maundy Thursday Seder Celebration
The Tuesday before Easter, we will have a special Seder Celebration. This is the first of our Easter Weekend services with will include a brief Good Friday Service and an Easter Morning Service. Don’t miss this time of remembrance, celebration and worship.

Volunteer Appreciation Lunch In
If you are currently serving at Westwood in any capacity, We want to say, “thank you!” On March 16 following the Congregational Meeting we will hold a lunch in for all of our volunteers. We are looking forward to seeing you there.

Annual Congregational Meeting
Members of Westwood Church in good standing are invited to attend and participate in our annual congregational meeting to be held after our Sunday service on March 16th 2025.
The main purpose of this meeting is the election of three elders and one member at large to our governing board. The Nominating Committee is currently taking nomination for these positions. To make a nomination you can contact any member of the committee. They are Amy Carney; Bernie McElheny; Jason Hoag; Milt Monell and Pastor Tom Mangham.
Nominations for elder are limited to men who meet there qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:7-9. Nominations for the Member-At-Large can be a man or a woman and they should meet the qualifications for Deacon set out in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.

Coffee & Conversations
Coffee & Conversations is a monthly get together for ladies at Westwood Church. It’s a place to relax and hang out with friends. I time for support. A time to help each other. A time to be thankful and a time of joy. Won’t you come join us on Monday the 10th of March ? We are meeting at 6:30pm at Axum Coffee in downtown Winter Garden on Plant Street.

Men's Breakfast
This is a fantastic time of food and fellowship for men. This event is always free, but we do encourage donations to cover the cost. Sign up today and bring a guest.

Valentines Date Night
Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to show your loved one how much they mean to you, and Westwood Men’s and Women’s Ministry is here to help you make it special. This event is free, but we encourage the men to prepare a meal for their wives. Please bring enough to share, as it will be a covered dish-style meal. We’ll provide the salad and breadsticks—you bring the creativity and flair!
As always, we’ll have fun and engaging games to make the evening unforgettable.
Sign up today and let us know what dish you’ll be bringing!

Miami Missions Trip
Westwood is partnering with the Christian and Missionary Alliance's
Envision program in Miami Florida.
These Envision leaders are working with immigrants in the Miami area and we are eager to help them complete projects from January 22nd to January 25th.
The cost of food and accommodations per person is $240.
The first $120 is due by January 5th.
The remaining amount is due by January 19th.
If you are considering going on this trip,
or have questions about this opportunity,
please contact Pastor Tom Mangham to let him know you are interested:

Acts 2 Night
Acts 2:42 says, “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayers.” This really sums up what our Acts 2 nights are all about. We gather together and share a covered dish meal, Explore God’s Word , and enter into an extended time of prayer.
To attend this event, simply show up on the 15th of this month. We can’t wait to see you there.

Coffee and Conversations
Coffee and Conversations is a monthly Women’s get-together where ladies come together for a time of fellowship, encouragement and prayer. This event happens in downtown Winter Garden at Axum Coffee at 6:30 pm.

Christmas Eve Service
This holiday season we invite you to our annual Christmas Eve Service. Experience wonderful music, memorable moments, candle lighting and plenty of fun for the whole family.

Youth Group Christmas Party
It’s that time of year for the Youth Group! If you are in the 6th -12th grade, join us for our White Elephant Christmas Party on Wednesday night December 18th at 7pm.
Bring a wrapped gift worth $10 or less. We will play games, eat food and par - tay.

Acts 2 Night
We want to make sure to connect during this Christmas season, so please come share a meal, enjoy fellowship,
and prayer together.

Christmas by the Fire
There is nothing like Westwood’s annual Christmas by the Fire event! Get ready to roast marshmallows, drink hot chocolate and sing some Christmas Carols. Bring a lawn chair. This event starts at 7:00 PM.

Deck The Halls
It’s Time to get Westwood in the Christmas mood and have a decorating work day! Show up on December 4th or December 5th at 7:00 pm ready to work and be creative. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Big Give Sunday
Big Give Sunday:
It’s that time of year again! Westwoods Big Give Sunday is such an important day in the life of our church family.
This is a time where we get to put love into action and make a difference in the lives of so many this Thanksgiving!
Church members will show up Sunday the 24th at 10:30 for an abbreviated celebration service. From there, members will be dispached to local grocery stores to purchase items to help provide thanksgiving for others. All donated items will go to the Orlando Bridge Transition Center.

Fish Fry
Mark Your Calendar! Westwood Fish Fry:
Westwood's Fish Fry is a "just for fun and fellowship" event that is open to the entire Westwood family. The fish and hushpuppies are generously provided by Eddie and Dianne Lee. Your job is to bring a side dish or a dessert.
Sign up today! Let us know How many family members are coming and let us know what you are bringing. Don't miss this fun and delicious event!

Coffee and Conversations
Ladies!!!! Coffee and Conversations is happening!
Meet up with some amazing women at Axum Coffee in downtown Winter Garden at 6:30 pm.
See Andria Hoag for details.

Missions Conference 2024
We are super excited about our Upcoming Missions Emphasis Weekend. You don’t want to miss any of these meetings!
Please mark your calendars for these important dates and times:
Friday Night at 7 pm: A Deliciously Awesome festival with food from all over the world, booths from multiple nations, and time together learning what God is doing across the globe!
Saturday Morning at 11 am: We will host a brunch for our missionary guest Daniel and Karis Stringer. Following the brunch, Daniel will meet the men, and Karis will meet with the women.
Sunday Service at 10:30 am: The culmination of our Missions Emphasis weekend!

Baptism Sunday
Baptism is an important step of obedience that demonstrates to others that we have personally trusted Jesus for our salvation. When we are baptized we are following Jesus’ example (Matthew 3:16-17) and obeying His command. (Acts 2:38)
Westwood will be having a special baptism service on October 13th. Do you need to be baptized ? We are holding classes that will cover everything you need to know about baptism on September 29th and October 6th. You can register for one of these classes and be baptized in our service on the 13th by following the link below.

Men's Breakfast
We are continuing our conversation about Biblical Masculinity, speaking specifically about the “Warrior Calling” on every man’s life.
Westwood Men’s Breakfast are a fantastic opportunity to connect with a fantastic group of brothers, to eat some good food and to allow the Word of God to challenge us to become better versions of ourselves.
Men’s Breakfast are always free, but donations are encouraged to help offset the cost of this ministry.

The Art of Marriage
A transformative small group and event resource designed to help you explore new levels of intimacy, communication, and connection with your spouse.
Whether you’re a newlywed or have been married for decades, The Art of Marriage is your path to a stronger, more beautiful masterpiece of God’s handiwork.
Topics Include:
Unwavering Love
Resilient Love
Selfless Love
Forgiving Love
Intimate Love
Missional Love

ESL Training Conference
Westwood Church is starting an English as a Second Language Ministry and we are excited to offer training on September 13 - 14. The training will start at 5:45 pm on Friday (Dinner provided) and will continue Saturday at 8:30 till 5:30 pm (Continental Breakfast and Lunch provided). We are encouraging everyone to attends to contribute $15.00 to help cover the cost of meals.
Are you ready to make a significant impact in the lives of people who are relocating to Central Florida from international locations?
Register today for our ESL Training Conference!

Coffee & Conversations
Coffee and Conversations is an informal gathering of ladies at Westwood where we connect, pray for one another, and become good friends. We meet at Axum Coffee in Winter Garden and we would love for you to join us!

Youth Group Pool Party
Youth Group is kicking off again!
If you are in 6-12th grade, join the party!
Frank and Paula Torbert have offered their home and their pool
to the Westwood Youth group so that we can celebrate
the start of another awesome year together with snacks, games, and fun!
Look for details from Ryan Alexander.
Bring a towel :)

Acts 2 Night
Join us for an evening for food fellowship and prayer. Bring a covered dish to share.

Coffee & Conversations
Don’t miss the next Coffee and Conversations. This is your chance to connect with other women and Westwood! Meeting at Axum Coffee in Winter Garden.

Bridges Backpack Drive
Each year we have a special opportunity to provide backpacks and school supplies for the children of Bridges families. Please consider contributing supplies or funds toward this project!. See the complete list below and contribute a backpack for all these supplies to go in.
Thank you for your generosity!
All donations can be dropped off during our Sunday Morning Service, but must be turned in no later than August 8th to be given out on the Bridges Family Day on August 10th.
Supplies List:
Child Safety Scissors
Composition Notebooks
Crayons 16 - 24 Count
Folders with 3 Prongs & Pockets
Glue Sticks (Not Bottle Glue)
Hand Sanitizer
Large Erasers
Colored Pencils
Spiral Notebooks
3 Ring Binders with Pockets
College-Ruled Lined Notebook Paper
Pens (Black or Blue)
Pencil Box / Pouch
#2 Pencils
If you would rather give a donation to cover the cost of a back pack and supplies, you can give through our Church Center App. by following the link below:

Scuba VBS 2024
This summer at Westwood VBS, kids will dive deep into friendship with God! They will discover what it means be friends with
a real, loving, trustworthy God that will last forever!
**July 30th - August 2nd 6-8pm**
**Kindergarten - 5th graders**

Men's Breakfast
We are continuing our series on Biblical Masculinity. You do not want to miss this opportunity to hang with a great bunch of guys, partake of some awesome food and to be inspired about what it means to be a man of God.
Like always, breakfast is free, but come prepared to give and offering to help offset the cost.

Acts 2 Night
We have being holding a monthly Prayer Night at Westwood, but we want to do more! Please join us for this special mealtime as we fellowship in prayer, teaching, and encouraging one another.
Bring food to share.
All ages are welcome!

Coffee & Conversations
*** Ladies ***
Join Coffee and Conversations at Axum: Monday, July 8th at 6:30pm
Don't miss this chance to hang out with the coolest women in Orlando!